Beauty of October

I'm having trouble dealing with the fact that it's already October.  This is actually one of my favorite months.  I love the colors and (usually) the warm days and cooler nights.  There are still fresh fruits and vegetables and I have dahlias blooming.  I want to quilt, knit, craft and paint it all.  I'd really like an extra day in the week where I didn't have to shop, or cook or clean.  I could just do all the fun stuff. A girl can dream.

While the Southeast is setting heat records this week, it's been cool and a bit rainy here.  It seems colder than it should be, but as Sweet Husband reminds me, it IS October.  I put away my summer clothes in the hopes that it would bring back some warmer weather. But no, it definitely didn't work.  My tomatoes didn't do much this year, partly because of the weather and partly due to my being out of town a lot.  Still, they're pretty colorful.  Also, home grown is so tasty.

Barb and I attended the Northwest Quilt Expo last week.  As always, it was fun and inspiring.  I took advantage of quilt show pricing and bought a new sewing machine.  I loved my old one, a Pfaff Quilt Expression 4.2, but it had experienced some issues in the last couple of years, so I bought the next generation of the same machine, the Expression 170.  So far, it's going great.  It works much like my old one, so the learning curve isn't too steep.  The cool thing about Pfaff machines is the Integrated Dual Feed (built in walking foot) which is a fabulous invention.  

Later in the weekend, we attended the Flock and Fiber Show.  We saw rabbits and llamas and communed with some sheep and goats.  Luckily they were all in barns.  Some of the vendors were outside in tents and it was quite chilly.  Other vendors were inside, which was nice.  Barb and I each bought some yarn (okay, I bought one skein and a one-skein pattern).  The variety of yarn and amazing colors just overwhelm me.  There's also lots of fiber and spinning wheels and all the notions that go with fiber arts.  It's hard to not go crazy.

Halloween decorating has begun.  I love the charm of Halloween fabrics, but really hate cutting them up into little pieces.  So what happens is stuff like this:

This last one really got out of hand.  There's still lots of quilting left to do.  Seriously, what was I thinking?  My stash of Halloween fabrics is actually embarrassing.  Heaven forbid I should miss a cute one.  

Wild Bill has now crowned himself The Drama King.  He slept in this position for about 20 minutes last night.  Look at that cheesy smile. What a ham!  How does he even do that?

Enjoy this first October weekend.  Hope it's fun, wherever you are!



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