We've enjoyed a lovely, mid-80's kind of summer. Warm enough for summer squash and what promises to be a good tomato crop. At least until now. It's currently 105 degrees out, with a few more days of high temps promised. It's being compared to the summer of '81 when we had four or five days of 105 and 107 degrees. I remember this well because I was about 8½ months pregnant and we didn't have air conditioning.
A few months ago I signed up to have my small quilt group to lunch with the idea that it would be mid 80's and we could sit outside and enjoy the late-summer breeze. Instead we lunched in the house and ate Grasshopper Pie and ice cream for dessert. No matter what, it's always great to spend time with these good friends.
My Wanderer's Wife quilt is almost finished. The binding is on and I'm hand sewing it down this week. I did buy a stitch-in-the-ditch foot for my machine and it was so worth it. This quilt is so busy that the aim was just to hold the thing together. This project had some hiccups and I'll be glad to be finished. I finished the top of a new quilt for our bed. It's actually a re-do of the one we've used for years which is starting to disintegrate. I made the top in three pieces so I can quilt it more easily. Here's a look at one of the pieces.
I'm going to be ready for some smaller projects after the last two.
The summer squash is going to town. The trick is to pick them before they grow to be lethal weapons. There's zucchini bread in my future. With mini chocolate chips.
We have lots of tomatoes but only the little ones are getting ripe. I'm a little concerned that the big ones will all get ripe at the same time.
I've also got the beginnings of a Cinderella pumpkin. It should be ready just in time for Halloween.
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